Content Is Still King

Around July Google officially rolled out another major update to it’s search engine ranking algorithm negatively affecting websites across the board and further punishing those who’s goals where primarily to rank (God forbid).
One thing I can say in this brief post that should be helpful to anybody interested – Get your website home page/landing page updated with a blog section at the bottom of the page – now.
Googles “spiders” crawl sites hourly and if you have all the metrics to rank (backlinks, DA/PA, TF/CF, Citations, etc) but don’t have good content that’s growing (not just changing but getting added to) then instead of going up in your search engine ranking (SERP) expect a steep drop. If your site doesn’t offer contextual value back to the visitor and improve the “user experience” then it will be negative for your rankings.
Wait! I’m a site that sells popcorn! I don’t write novels or blogs or whatever… Then don’t pay someone to aggressively optimize your SEO unless you pay them to write quality content that’s not keyword stuffed or full of double-nonsense talk to pad the content. I recommend you get in the habit of writing blogs and updating them – at a minimum – weekly!
In closing Google will update it’s algorythim often and contradict it’s past rules by making up new ones as it goes but content is here to stay and will ultimately be the determining factor in rankings.